Our Mission Statement
We come together as Saint Joseph's family to learn, share our faith and do our best to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.
Our journey in faith starts at home. As parents, you are the first and most significant educators in your child's life. By having your child baptised, you have expressed your wish to have them brought up within the Catholic faith. Working closely together, forming a partnership between parents and the school, we aspire to nurture the unique qualities of each child and allow them to flourish and grow throughout their primary years.
Christ is present in our daily lives and through living out our mission statement. It is more than just part of the curriculum - it is the Catholic ethos that makes St Joseph's a special and inclusive environment where children can learn and grow, with staff that offer outstanding care and guidance to your children. Our mission statement, displayed throughout school and in every classroom. It is our distinctive purpose, it is what makes our school special and it is our remit in our journey - meeting God each day. Jesus Christ is at the heart of everything we do and we use the principles of the 5W's to live his word and become good Christian role models.
We aim to bring children closer to God by learning and understanding the teachings of Jesus, so that we can all lead a rich and fulfilling life, helping others and bringing ourselves closer to God.
Through our RE curriculum and Sacramental programme, we guide children on their journey in faith. Each year group follows 'Come and See' programme; all children take part in collective worship, liturgical assemblies and attend Mass in our Church next door. All children also have the opportunity to learn about other faiths as part of our curriculum.
In Year 3, children prepare to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion - the Church works closely with parents during this time to reinforce the important role of parents within God's family during these special celebrations.
St. Joseph's is very well supported by our parish priest, Father Allan Swift, our families and by the parish community.
*Parents have a right to withdraw their child from Collective Worship. However, given the importance of Collective Worship in a Catholic school, parents and prospective parents will be made aware of the fact that it can never be confined to ‘timetabled slots’ but may take place in a variety of contexts other than those which are specifically structured.