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Safeguarding Form

If you do not feel safe or are worried about someone else you must talk to someone you trust. Mrs Carlile, Mr Carr, Mr Sutcliffe and Mrs Green are all responsible for safeguarding concerns at our school and will come and speak to you if you fill out the form below.

Keeping Children Safe

At Saint Joseph's, safeguarding our pupils will always be a key priority.  We have a Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedures in place.  We make sure that all staff are recruited in accordance with Safer Recruitment expectations and have relevant annual training.

In addition to the useful numbers and links below, you will find our policies and procedures with regard to Safeguarding aspects such as bullying, health and safety and internet safety. Please take a look.

Having the policy in place ensures that all members of our school community:

  • Are aware of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and child protection
  • Know the procedures that should be followed if they have a cause for concern
  • Know where to go to find additional information regarding safeguarding
  • Are aware of the key indicators relating to child abuse
  • Fully support the school's commitment to safeguarding and child protection.

The designated leads for child protection are Mrs Carlile, Heateacher; Mr Carr, Deputy Headteacher and Mrs Green, Family Support and Pupil Welfare Officer.  If you have any concerns about your own or any other child's safety, health or wellbeing, please speak to one of these staff or complete our Safeguarding Form. 

Prevent Duty

At Saint Joseph's we recognise that safeguarding against radicalisation is no different from safeguarding against any other vulnerability.

As a Catholic school, staff are expected to uphold and promote the Christian Values of our faith and the fundamental principles of British values; including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

On 1 July 2015 the Prevent duty (section 26) of The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 came into force. This duty places the responsibility on local authorities to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.

As part of our School’s commitment to safeguarding and child protection we fully support the government's Prevent Strategy.

Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales

The Prevent Line  - 0800 789321

First-day Calling

It is really important that if your child isn’t in school for any reason that you contact us as soon as possible. If we haven’t been contacted as to why your child is absent by 9:15am, you will become part of out First-day Calling procedure. The Calderdale Schools Safeguarding Advisor and the Calderdale Safeguarding Children Board (CSCB) insists on all schools having a robust First-day Calling procedure in place.

What is First-day Calling?

If we haven’t received a message about where your child is by the close of registers, our office staff will start ringing down your child’s contact list to find out where your child is. They will ring and text message all contacts until we locate where your child is. If no contact is made, school may have to visit your home or contact the police, after making a risk assessment.

Why is it necessary?

It is necessary so that we know all our children are safe. There have been incidents in Calderdale and in other authorities where a parent has died and the children have been left inside the house on their own with their deceased parent. Also, there have been incidents of older children not making it to school on their own.

What should you do?

If your child is not at school please ring as soon as possible and let us know. Please be reminded that school opens its doors at 08:50am and lessons start at 9am.

Online Safety

Staying safe on the internet is an important message which we reinforce with our children at all times. This important message is something that should also be discussed as a family at home. Please  feel free to use this link to the CEOP website, where your child can access some fun activities to back up their learning.

Report to CEOP 


Did you know the minimum age for most social media platforms is 13?

These include Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Pinterest. The minimum age is set at 13 so that our children are safe and protected from what they read, see and who they talk to online. It is extremely important parents know and monitor how their child is using the internet and social media.

The minimum age for Whatsapp is 16 and some platforms even older.  Do you know the sites that your children use?

Click here for further E Safety Information on social media


Additional Important Numbers:

Calderdale Social Care - 01706 399970

Calderdale Local Authority Designated Officer - 01422 394086

Hard copies of any of the documents listed can be obtained from the School Office or requested via our school admin email address: